Charles Rea, Bio
b.1952 Vancouver, BC, Canada
1976-79 Vancouver School of Art
2013 Parataxis, Winsor Gallery, Vancouver BC [solo]
2011 October, Winsor Gallery, Vancouver BC [solo]
2011 Vancouver, Vancouver, Gallery 1965 Vancouver BC
2011 Monomania, Trench Gallery, Vancouver BC, Winsor Gallery, Vancouver BC
2010 Drawing, Winsor Gallery, Vancouver BC
2010 Charles Rea, Winsor Gallery, Vancouver BC [solo]
2009 Toronto International Art Fair, Toronto, ON
2008 Charles Rea, Winsor Gallery, Vancouver BC [solo]
2006 Crystal Lab/Mirror Maze, Kenderdine Art, Gallery, Saskatoon SK [solo]
2006 Crystal Lab/Mirror Maze, Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina SK [solo]
2005 Crystal Lab/Mirror Maze, Belkin Satellite, Vancouver BC [solo]
1998-99 Painting, Painting, Artspeak Gallery, Vancouver BC [solo]
1992 Charles Rea, Contemporary Art Gallery, Vancouver BC [solo]
1989 Charles Rea, Diane Farris Gallery, Vancouver BC
1986-87 London Regional Art Gallery, London ON
1986 Charles Rea / Attila Richard Luckas, Mercer Union, Toronto ON
1986 Charles Rea, Diane Farris Gallery, Vancouver BC
1984 Western Front Gallery, Vancouver BC
1981 Inform Gallery, Vancouver BC
198112 West Gallery, Vancouver BC
1980 Pumps Gallery, Vancouver BC
2015 Mainstreeters – Taking Advantage, 1972-1982, exhibition focusing on a Vancouver art collective of which Charles Rea was an integral part,
2015 Belkin Satellite Gallery, Vancouver, BC
2014 Concurrent – Charles Rea & Tom Burrows, Winsor Gallery, Vancouver, BC
2011 Vancouver/Vancouver, On Main, Vancouver, BC
2001 Vancouver Invitational, Pari Nadimi Gallery, Toronto, ON
2001 These Days, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver BC
2000 Questions, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver BC
1995 Burnaby Art Gallery, Burnaby BC
1990 Artropolis, Vancouver BC
1990 UBC Fine Arts Gallery, Vancouver BC
1988 Vancouver/Hamburg, Galerie Kampnagel/Hamburg,W. Germany
1987 Art Cologne (Diane Farris Gallery), Cologne, W. Germany
1987 Toyama Now ‘87, New Art Around the Pacific, Museum of Modern Art, Toyama, Japan
1986 Beyond the Line, Galerie J Yahouda Meir, Montreal PQ
1986 Vancouver Now, Walter Phillips Art Gallery, Banff AB:
1986 Traveling to London Regional Art Gallery, London ON, and Montreal PQ, Winnipeg Art Gallery MB
1985 Young Romantics, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver BC
1985 Five Young Artists, Diane Farris Gallery, Vancouver BC
1984 Warehouse Show, Vancouver BC
1984 Pitt International Gallery, Vancouver BC
1984 Paper Fair, Robson Square, Vancouver BC
1983 October Show, Vancouver BC
1983 Artist’s Gallery, Vancouver BC
1983 Reflections Gallery – Two Person Show, Vancouver BC
1979 Helen Pitt Gallery, Vancouver BC
1991 University of British Columbia: instructed 3rd year studio arts course, Fine Arts 391
1984 – present Art Instructor at Shadbolt Center for the Arts, Burnaby BC
1989-93 Culture Talks organized by E. Brewer-White: presentations and workshops for elementary and secondary schools
2013 Keith Wallace on Charles Rea’s ‘Parataxis’
2008 Vancouver Sun, October, review by Lloyd Dykk of solo show Charles Rea at the Winsor Art Gallery, Vancouver BC.
2006 The Star Phoenix, May, review by Colleen McPherson of solo show Crystal Lab at the Kenderdine Art Gallery, Saskatoon SK
2006 Prairie Dog, January, review by Gregory Beatty of solo show Crystal Lab at the Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina SK
2006 Fillip, Winter, review by Andrew Power of solo show Crystal Lab/Mirror Maze at the Belkin Satellite
2005 Reviews of solo show Crystal Lab/Mirror Maze at the Belkin Satellite:
– Vancouver Sun, October, review by Clint Burnham
– Georgia Straight, October, review by Christopher Brayshaw
– Vancouver Sun, December, review by Michael Scott
2001 Reviews of These Days at the Vancouver Art Gallery:
– Max, Fall, review by Michael Turner
– Globe & Mail, August, review by Sarah Milroy
– The Georgia Straight, May, review by Robin Laurence
– Last Call, May, review by Marina Roy
– Vancouver Sun, May, review by Michael Scott
1999 The Georgia Straight, September, artist profile by James-Jason Lee
1998 Vancouver Magazine, December, artist profile by Michael Turner
1992 The Georgia Straight, February, review by Robin Laurence of solo exhibition at Contemporary Art Gallery
1989 The Vancouver Sun, September, review by Ann Rosenberg of group show at UBC Fine Arts Gallery
1989 The Vancouver Sun, June, review by Elizabeth Godley of the solo exhibition at Diane Farris Gallery
1986 reviews of Charles Rea / Attila Lucaks at Mercer Union, Toronto, ON:
– C Magazine, Winter, review by Deirdre Hanna
– The Globe & Mail, September, review by John Bentley Mays
– The Toronto Star, September, review by Christopher Hume
1986 reviews of Vancouver Now, Banff, Montreal, Winnipeg, London :
– The Banff Craight Canyon, June, review by Nancy Tousley
– Le Devoir Culturel, August, review by Gilles Daigneault
– Vie des Art, review by Jean Tourangeau
– Vie des Arts, ‘Aux confins de la Tradition et de l’Ouverture’ by Manon Blanchette
1985 reviews of Young Romantics at the Vancouver Art Gallery:
– The Globe and Mail, August, review by Stephen Godfrey
– Vancouver Magazine, March, City Scene
– Vancouver magazine, July, review by Anne Templeman Kluit
– The West Ender, June, review by Liz Gilbert
– Western Living, October, review by Helga Pakasaar
– The Vancouver Sun, review by Eve Johnson
– Vanguard, review Roy Arden
1984 Vanguard, May, review of solo exhibition Western Front Gallery by Scott Watson
The Canada Council Art Bank
Simon Fraser University
Vancouver Art Gallery
Galerie bei Svetlana, Munich, W. Germany
Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver, BC
Opera House, Calgary AB
Rick Erickson, Vancouver BC
Bombast, Vancouver BC
Roy Duquette, Vancouver BC
Brian and Mikolt Brown, Vancouver BC
2001 ‘B’ Grant
1996 ‘B’ Grant
1994 ‘B’ Grant
1994 Visual Art Jury (Project)
1992 ‘B’ Grant
1989 Short Term Project
1988 Visual Art Jury (Project)
1987 ‘B’ Grant
1987 Travel Grant (Toyama Now ‘ 87)
1986 Short Term Project
2000 Project Assistance for Artists
1999 Project Assistance for Artists
1998 Project Assistance for Artists
1995 Project Assistance for Artists
1988 Visual Arts Juror (Project)
1994 Visual Arts Juror (Project)