Glenn Lewis, Bio

b.1935, Chemainus, BC , Canada


1961-64 - Studied ceramics under Bernard Leach, St.Ives, Cornwall, England.
1958-59 - Graduated, Faculty of Education, University of B.C., Vancouver. B.C. Teaching Certificate.
1954-1958 - Graduated with honours in painting, drawing and ceramics, Vancouver School of Art.
1954 - Graduated from High School, Kelowna, BC


2017 - Received Governor General of Canada Award in Visual Arts
2007 - Appointed to Board of Directors, LIVE Biennale Performance Art Festival
2005 - Served as one of judges for the Van Dusen Botanical Garden’s June “Vancouver Garden Show”
2003 - 2006 President, Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden Society
2000 - Presented with ‘Emily’ award by Lt. Governor, Emily Carr Institute of Art + Design
1993 - Awarded Visual Arts Grant, B.C. Cultural Services.
1992 - Awarded Visual Arts Grant, B.C. Cultural Services.
1991 - Appointed to the Board of Directors, Western Front Society, Vancouver.
1989 - One of three jurors of architectural proposals for the ‘Digestor Tower’, National Museum of Civilization, Hull
1986 - 1987 Appointed to Board of Directors, Vancouver Art Gallery.
1986 - 1987 Appointed to Canada Council Media Arts Advisory Committee,
1974 - 1987 Appointed to the Board of Directors, Western Front Society, Vancouver.
1986 - Served on a review committee, City of Vancouver, for a Peace Sculpture in Vancouver with D. Shadbolt, Willard Holmes
and Alan McWilliams.
1986 - Life member of the Art Gallery of Ontario
1986 - With James Bennett, commissioned to design Vancouver Centennial Medal.
1978 - 1985 Served on various Canada Council juries: Art Bank, Performance Art, Multimedia, Senior Visual Arts Awards, Video,
Computer-Integrated Media, Exhibition Project Assistance.
1984 - Awarded Canada Council grant for Artist-in-Residence at La Chartreuse, C.I.R.C.A., Villeneuve les Avignon, France.
1981 - 1982 Awarded Canada Council Senior Arts Grant.
1980 - 1981 Served as Vice President of the Association of National Non-Profit Artist Centres (ANNPAC).
1976 - 1977 Awarded Canada Council Senior Arts Grant.
1975 Representative of Western Front Society at founding meeting of the Association of National Non-Profit Artist Centres (ANNPAC)
1973 - 1976 Appointed to the Board of Directors, Vancouver Art Gallery.
1970 - 1972 Appointed to the Board of Trustees, Intermedia, Vancouver.
1968 - 1969 Awarded Canada Council B Grant.
1967 - 1968 Awarded Canada Council B Grant.
1968 - Awarded prize for sculpture in “Spectrum 68”, Vancouver Art Gallery.
1968 - Awarded prize for sculpture in “Winnipeg Annual”, Winnipeg Art Gallery.
1967 - Awarded prize for sculpture in “Perspective 67”, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto.


Private collections in Canada, U.S.A., Japan, England and France., collections of David Bellman, Sherry Grauer, Scott Watson, Michael
Morris, Bruce Wright, Bayard Palmer; Freybe collection; External Affairs, Government of Canada; Canada Council Art Bank, Ottawa;
Faculty Club, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario; Air Canada, Montreal; City of Vancouver; Confederation Art Gallery, Charlottetown,
P.E.I.; Winnipeg Art Gallery; Vancouver Art Gallery; National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa; Art Gallery of Greater Victoria; Morris & Helen
Belkin Art Gallery, UBC, Vancouver